Strawberry season in Michigan

Strawberry season is in full swing in Michigan.  Last Sunday Arianna invited her friend Tessa to come over for the afternoon after church.  (A good deal for us,  Adam and Aaron went to play with Tessa’s brothers!)  First, we went strawberry picking at Rowe’s Farms.  The girls were motivated and industrious.  When we came home, they had a tea party with strawberries, graham crackers and Koolaid.  I wasn’t smart enough to get a photo of that.  Arianna used her special tea cup from Grandma Lou, and Tessa used one of my tea cups.  They loved it!

Later, they asked me to turn on the sprinkler so they could run through it.  That lasted about 5 minutes, until they decided it was more fun to test the umbrellas.  Tut, tut!  It looks like rain!

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