Aaron’s artwork makes the home page

   I finally found the perfect family picture to use on our family’s website. This is a piece of art that Aaron did for his class at the beginning of the school year, in September. He and his classmates were assigned to draw their families, and then during open house, the families were invited and had to pick out which family drawing was theirs. I remember after scanning through dozens of pictures, this one clearly stood out as our family, and clearly stood out as Aaron’s style. I grinned and asked Cyndi if she found it yet, and after a moment, she just burst out laughing. Yup, she found it. To see it, you have to visit our home page .

   I can’t help but point out a few details that Aaron really keyed on. First, there’s Adam. I guess nothing more needs to be said to those of you who know him, but this is why I grinned and Cyndi laughed. Then, there’s me and my shirt, which has Maxwell’s equations on it(can’t see from the image, which was scanned and reduced). Then there is Aaron’s bushy hair and one of his favorite shorts and shirts, which says “It’s my brother’s fault.” Then there is Cyndi with her bandana, black  biking shorts, and her shirt, which is a Life is Good shirt, showing stick figure riding a bike(her shirt really looks like this). Finally, there is Arianna and her camouflage shirt(she was really into camouflage then) and matching skirt. This is one of my favorite pieces of his art.