Enroute to Beijing, Day 2

   ok, that was interesting. We boarded buses in order to take us to the plane, and it seemed very chaotic, with hundreds of people waiting to get on. I was relieved to make the plane and finally sit down. Then, that was a loooong flight across the Pacific. I managed a fitful sleep of 8 hours or so, then read the book some more. I don’t know how long I was in the plane, part of me doesn’t want to know. Breakfast was nice, multicourse meal, and I was surprised to learn that they serve Tabasco sauce with the omelet. We landed at 5:20am local time in a total fog. I think we are about 11 hours back from Michigan time. I was able to see out the window as we descended through the cloud bank, not far from mountain ranges that were poking up through the clouds. This made me nervous, and I looked out the window to see if I could make out things on the ground. Turns out we did not break through the bottom of the clouds until moments before the wheels touched down. Makes you wonder what this would be like without all the fancy avionics to guide us to the ground. I guess we wouldn’t land at all.
   The Seoul airport is amazing, and looks like it was built yesterday. I know this isn’t much about Asia, but I’m also trying to pass the time. My flight to Beijing leaves in three hours…