Hola de Mexico!

Here I am in Mexico, it’s midnight and I’m working.  I must be crazy.  If I realized that my manufacturing plant was only building on 2nd shift this week, I might have scheduled my trip differently.  Oh well.  Besides being REALLY tired, I’m surviving.  And the production launch is going pretty well.  A few issues, but no big fires.      

Because of the 2nd shift, the team from Michigan has been sleeping in a bit, and arriving at the plant at 11 am.  We work with the rest of the team back in Michigan, talk to suppliers, etc..  Production starts at 3 and runs to 1 am.  So it makes for verrrry long days.  Last night we went back to the hotel and had some dinner in the bar.  Ran into one of my customers who told me he was coming to my plant today, but hadn’t told the plant yet.  Surprise!

It all kind of reminds me of late nights at MIT working on problem sets.  Without the card games.