Cyndi finally comes up for air

This just in from Cyndi:

First week here at MIT has been non-stop – even beyond typical MIT level. We’re
doing a design challenge using the Lego Mindstorms robotics, which takes up the
evenings. So my schedule has been 8 am to midnight here every day this week.
The competition is tomorrow, then I can sleep.

My on campus room isn’t available until Feb 4. I don’t have the room number &
address yet. Will send it when I do.

My laptop finally arrived today. I’ve been using a loaner from Tricia and John
for the last few days. It will be good to have my own and get everything set
up properly.

The SDM program shares space with the leaders for manufacturing (LFM) program.
There are work spaces, a student lounge and breakroom. Also lockers, so I have
a place to leave things during the day. Nice set up, really. So far I’ve
received the SDM logo backpack and a very warm SDM logo fleece jacket. Good
thing. The classroom we’ve been in all week is cold.

Great group of people here, from all over the world. My design challenge team
includes people from China, Chile, India and San Antonio.

So the summary so far is good people, good teachers, Lego robots and not much

More updates later.